Comfort Of Strangers
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Comfort Of Strangers

I know the stars that shine on me,
Are brighter than you or I could ever be.
I know there's an answer to your question,
But I don't if I could word it right.
The beginning of April, from here on till May is the busiest period of time for those poor souls studying in the University right now. There was a night a couple of days ago when I gave Samantha my random observation of my friends who are in University right now, that none of them are happy about their lives right now. Samantha then told me about how timely my observation was, considering how she was just thinking about the same topic earlier on in the afternoon. Along with her, there are others right now, suffering under the hectic lifestyle of an University - or lack thereof.
Lynette is probably the exception here, the person who spoiled my hundred percent agreement of the observation. She's enjoying herself, and gave an observation herself saying that anybody who hated Junior College would probably like University. Utterly wrong my dear, you see Corinna running joyously on a big grassy field after school or singing in the rain?
Say what you mean,
Don't tell it like it could be,
I'm not sure that I should say it out loud,
With the knowledge of just how busy their lives are, I was hesitant last night when I wanted to talk to somebody - anybody. Knowing the amount of workload my closer friends had and the look of boredom and frustration they must be carrying upon their faces before the computer, I decided to seek my comfort from strangers. It was a very random thing to do for me, and that thought never came to me until halfway down my the contact list in my cellphone.
She promised to call me but never did, though I understand. Working five and a half days a week with just a seven day annual leave is a very screwed up deal. Besides, the pay is not even encouraging enough to put up a front at your work, especially with a demon of a manager, life can be hard. So I took the Saturday night off and called Cheryenne on her cellphone for no apparent reasons. She was watching My Name is Earl when I called, the sound of the television blaring over her voice. Accompanying that was the shuffling of newspapers, as she multi-tasked on the phone with me.
Say what you mean,
Don't tell it like it could be,
Right at this time, I'm gonna keep that in mind
It's been a while since I talked to Cheryenne, the last time being in front of Takashimaya while waiting for the ex. She promised to call I remember, and while on the phone last night she apologized for that, telling me how boring and dreadful work has been for her. Instead of calling me the Small Talk King Corinna, this is the Small Talk Master here. I think Cheryenne has a gift of starting a conversation with just anybody in the world, given the correct mood and timing. Because there we were on the phone, not even close to each other in terms of friendship, and yakking nonstop about our own lives for four hours straight.
The way my ears throbbed after being pressed to the receiver for too long felt good. My butt was numb and most of all, my throat felt sore and dry. But still, it was great just talking to a person out of the blues and with no apparent reasons. Everybody should try doing that some time and not fear the awkwardness at the very beginning. It is a refreshing feeling, and everybody should get a taste of the comfort of strangers.
One love, is better than not enough
I'd rather have no love, than messing with the wrong stuff
This must be part of all the randomness I've been feeling these days. The urge to talk to a person at a bookstore, the urge to buy a plane ticket and fly off to a random country, the urge to talk to old friends, the urge to go out in the middle of the night for a long aimless walk. Just part of the emotional outflow I suppose, but I guess if there is no harm involved, I don't see why it should be a problem. And no Corinna, I don't have a romantic relationship with Cheryenne at all. She is 26!
Without a knowledge about you as a person, or a history of your past, these so-called 'strangers' are the most objective people you can find when looking for a perspective. I believe that friends can be biased sometimes, most of the time standing on your side of the story instead of the other. They cannot be blamed, which is why there is the urge to look elsewhere for comfort sometimes. I still love you friends, but I intend to grab more people into my social circle. I can't say that I am a people's person, for I have always known myself to be a sociable loner, if such a characteristic exists.
Just the comfort of strangers
Always the comfort of strangers
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.
Despite that, I'm just thankful and glad that I have so many friends - acquaintances or closer ones - to draw concerns and comfort from. People are always calling others a 'lucky bastard' if their girlfriends are hot, sexy, beautiful, or wild. Nobody ever acknowledges just how lucky a person can be with MY social circle and status. So here I am, looking at the reflection of myself in the mirror and saying," You lucky bastard!" I love my friends, even if they are the ones whom I am not close to. As long as you bother to draw everything at hand and talk to me, I love you.
One love is better than not enough
I'd rather have no love, than messing with the wrong stuff,
It's just the comfort of strangers
Oh it's the comfort of strangers
Why, some of those are like best friends, best friends,
Ones that keep you coming round again

I know the stars that shine on me,
Are brighter than you or I could ever be.
I know there's an answer to your question,
But I don't if I could word it right.
The beginning of April, from here on till May is the busiest period of time for those poor souls studying in the University right now. There was a night a couple of days ago when I gave Samantha my random observation of my friends who are in University right now, that none of them are happy about their lives right now. Samantha then told me about how timely my observation was, considering how she was just thinking about the same topic earlier on in the afternoon. Along with her, there are others right now, suffering under the hectic lifestyle of an University - or lack thereof.
Lynette is probably the exception here, the person who spoiled my hundred percent agreement of the observation. She's enjoying herself, and gave an observation herself saying that anybody who hated Junior College would probably like University. Utterly wrong my dear, you see Corinna running joyously on a big grassy field after school or singing in the rain?
Say what you mean,
Don't tell it like it could be,
I'm not sure that I should say it out loud,
With the knowledge of just how busy their lives are, I was hesitant last night when I wanted to talk to somebody - anybody. Knowing the amount of workload my closer friends had and the look of boredom and frustration they must be carrying upon their faces before the computer, I decided to seek my comfort from strangers. It was a very random thing to do for me, and that thought never came to me until halfway down my the contact list in my cellphone.
She promised to call me but never did, though I understand. Working five and a half days a week with just a seven day annual leave is a very screwed up deal. Besides, the pay is not even encouraging enough to put up a front at your work, especially with a demon of a manager, life can be hard. So I took the Saturday night off and called Cheryenne on her cellphone for no apparent reasons. She was watching My Name is Earl when I called, the sound of the television blaring over her voice. Accompanying that was the shuffling of newspapers, as she multi-tasked on the phone with me.
Say what you mean,
Don't tell it like it could be,
Right at this time, I'm gonna keep that in mind
It's been a while since I talked to Cheryenne, the last time being in front of Takashimaya while waiting for the ex. She promised to call I remember, and while on the phone last night she apologized for that, telling me how boring and dreadful work has been for her. Instead of calling me the Small Talk King Corinna, this is the Small Talk Master here. I think Cheryenne has a gift of starting a conversation with just anybody in the world, given the correct mood and timing. Because there we were on the phone, not even close to each other in terms of friendship, and yakking nonstop about our own lives for four hours straight.
The way my ears throbbed after being pressed to the receiver for too long felt good. My butt was numb and most of all, my throat felt sore and dry. But still, it was great just talking to a person out of the blues and with no apparent reasons. Everybody should try doing that some time and not fear the awkwardness at the very beginning. It is a refreshing feeling, and everybody should get a taste of the comfort of strangers.
One love, is better than not enough
I'd rather have no love, than messing with the wrong stuff
This must be part of all the randomness I've been feeling these days. The urge to talk to a person at a bookstore, the urge to buy a plane ticket and fly off to a random country, the urge to talk to old friends, the urge to go out in the middle of the night for a long aimless walk. Just part of the emotional outflow I suppose, but I guess if there is no harm involved, I don't see why it should be a problem. And no Corinna, I don't have a romantic relationship with Cheryenne at all. She is 26!
Without a knowledge about you as a person, or a history of your past, these so-called 'strangers' are the most objective people you can find when looking for a perspective. I believe that friends can be biased sometimes, most of the time standing on your side of the story instead of the other. They cannot be blamed, which is why there is the urge to look elsewhere for comfort sometimes. I still love you friends, but I intend to grab more people into my social circle. I can't say that I am a people's person, for I have always known myself to be a sociable loner, if such a characteristic exists.
Just the comfort of strangers
Always the comfort of strangers
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.
Despite that, I'm just thankful and glad that I have so many friends - acquaintances or closer ones - to draw concerns and comfort from. People are always calling others a 'lucky bastard' if their girlfriends are hot, sexy, beautiful, or wild. Nobody ever acknowledges just how lucky a person can be with MY social circle and status. So here I am, looking at the reflection of myself in the mirror and saying," You lucky bastard!" I love my friends, even if they are the ones whom I am not close to. As long as you bother to draw everything at hand and talk to me, I love you.
One love is better than not enough
I'd rather have no love, than messing with the wrong stuff,
It's just the comfort of strangers
Oh it's the comfort of strangers
Why, some of those are like best friends, best friends,
Ones that keep you coming round again