Monday, January 09, 2006
In the last minutes of 2005 the world stood still for the moment to arrive.The night didnt seem too different,not even in the chilly night of Taipei did it occur to me at all that it was in fact,the last day of the year.
What really is so special about this last day of the year though,save for the screaming crowd and the blasting music which never seem to be of my liking?Everybody looks forever to the end of the year,the common post-Christmas activity which seem a little ridiculous to me.Most people's perspective is that a new year calls for a change,thus the existence of new year resolutions which half of the time,ends up incomplete or untouched especially when it involves you saving money and going on a diet because most people are ignorant on that night,another looming festive season called the Chinese New Year.
I was never the "Let's celebrate" kinda person.I am utterly pessimistic,and hopelessly boring at times.The last day of a year and the beginning of the next to me,is just another freaking day,really.If you think about it,everytime we hope for the best in the next year we dont usually expect the worst.Not when your mind is overdosed with alcohol and the music is blasting so loud you can bearly hear yourself.The truth is,every year we hope for the best and things turn out to be as bad as it gets.Whatever happened in 2005,mostly forgotten and less than likely forgiven on 31st of December.
Despite being such a pessimistic person,i still celebrated and welcomed 2006 in my own ways.Taipei had their celebrations,which involved pop stars performing through the night near Taipei 101,the tallest building in the world may i add.So there i was,along the street leading up to Taipei 101,completely jammed up by the cars and people.I never wanted to get too close to the crowd,expecting the conjestion already.However,i expected the car to be trapped even before we get within sight of the building itself.
Anyway,so after an hour of moving and stopping,and that hurling feeling creeping up my throat we finally came close enough to the building,and still far enough to run away back home right after midnight to avoid the crowd.1140pm,and my uncle parked his car by the side of the road.People parked along there as well,despite of the yellow and red line underneath the wheels.People got out of their cars,or winded down their windows to get a clear view of the building looming up ahead:Taipei 101.
Unfortunately from where we were,the streetlights were blocking the damn building.My sister and i prepared cameras for the midnight fireworks display,and we were utterly dismayed by the view,or lack thereof.
A sudden turn of events,however,i turned my gaze to the middle of the road where there was a construction going on.Of course,by that time the workers were away and there were barricades in the middle.So the two of us climbed over barricades and dashed across busy roads to the constructin site right smack in the middle of the road,in clear view of the building.
1150pm,and people were already climbing on top of their cars,taking photographs and yelling new year greetings to strangers.That included also,a crazed teenager asking for a new pair of underwear for 2006.I suggested under my breath however,a new brain.
1155pm,i turned on my camera and my sister turned on hers.It was tensed for some reason,as couples waited and families joined us in the middle of the road.Kids were anxious,and parents pretending to be calm.I was shiving,because the midnight breeze was strong against my back.The camera shook when i tried to snap a few shots of the building before anything happened.
I looked around me,and it was an interesting sight indeed.We were in no parking lot,or any designated parking area whatsoever.But people just parked their car in front of streetlights,in the middle of the road and climbed out of their cars.People waited,like a scene from Independence Day just before the alien ship blew up the Empire State Building.People were on top of their cars,in between cars and even on top of a bulldozer to catch this magnificent sight.That was when i felt that i was part of something,something big.Something special,and at the very moment i wanted to share it with somebody,desperately.But no one,but my sister and uncle in sight.
I thought of you,i really did.I thought of how nice it wouldve been,if we saw this sight together,hand in hand and hugging each other due to the cold.Wishing each other a happy new year while the fireworks blasted into the night air,as if to celebrate our reunion.I wished you were there,i really did.And in the cold night air,with the crowd silent and only the sound of rumbling car engines,i felt the quiet excitement growing around me and a tad bit of sadness welling up deep inside of me.
Then,it came.5,4,3,2,1...
In the last minutes of 2005 the world stood still for the moment to arrive.The night didnt seem too different,not even in the chilly night of Taipei did it occur to me at all that it was in fact,the last day of the year.
What really is so special about this last day of the year though,save for the screaming crowd and the blasting music which never seem to be of my liking?Everybody looks forever to the end of the year,the common post-Christmas activity which seem a little ridiculous to me.Most people's perspective is that a new year calls for a change,thus the existence of new year resolutions which half of the time,ends up incomplete or untouched especially when it involves you saving money and going on a diet because most people are ignorant on that night,another looming festive season called the Chinese New Year.
I was never the "Let's celebrate" kinda person.I am utterly pessimistic,and hopelessly boring at times.The last day of a year and the beginning of the next to me,is just another freaking day,really.If you think about it,everytime we hope for the best in the next year we dont usually expect the worst.Not when your mind is overdosed with alcohol and the music is blasting so loud you can bearly hear yourself.The truth is,every year we hope for the best and things turn out to be as bad as it gets.Whatever happened in 2005,mostly forgotten and less than likely forgiven on 31st of December.
Despite being such a pessimistic person,i still celebrated and welcomed 2006 in my own ways.Taipei had their celebrations,which involved pop stars performing through the night near Taipei 101,the tallest building in the world may i add.So there i was,along the street leading up to Taipei 101,completely jammed up by the cars and people.I never wanted to get too close to the crowd,expecting the conjestion already.However,i expected the car to be trapped even before we get within sight of the building itself.
Anyway,so after an hour of moving and stopping,and that hurling feeling creeping up my throat we finally came close enough to the building,and still far enough to run away back home right after midnight to avoid the crowd.1140pm,and my uncle parked his car by the side of the road.People parked along there as well,despite of the yellow and red line underneath the wheels.People got out of their cars,or winded down their windows to get a clear view of the building looming up ahead:Taipei 101.
Unfortunately from where we were,the streetlights were blocking the damn building.My sister and i prepared cameras for the midnight fireworks display,and we were utterly dismayed by the view,or lack thereof.
A sudden turn of events,however,i turned my gaze to the middle of the road where there was a construction going on.Of course,by that time the workers were away and there were barricades in the middle.So the two of us climbed over barricades and dashed across busy roads to the constructin site right smack in the middle of the road,in clear view of the building.
1150pm,and people were already climbing on top of their cars,taking photographs and yelling new year greetings to strangers.That included also,a crazed teenager asking for a new pair of underwear for 2006.I suggested under my breath however,a new brain.
1155pm,i turned on my camera and my sister turned on hers.It was tensed for some reason,as couples waited and families joined us in the middle of the road.Kids were anxious,and parents pretending to be calm.I was shiving,because the midnight breeze was strong against my back.The camera shook when i tried to snap a few shots of the building before anything happened.
I looked around me,and it was an interesting sight indeed.We were in no parking lot,or any designated parking area whatsoever.But people just parked their car in front of streetlights,in the middle of the road and climbed out of their cars.People waited,like a scene from Independence Day just before the alien ship blew up the Empire State Building.People were on top of their cars,in between cars and even on top of a bulldozer to catch this magnificent sight.That was when i felt that i was part of something,something big.Something special,and at the very moment i wanted to share it with somebody,desperately.But no one,but my sister and uncle in sight.
I thought of you,i really did.I thought of how nice it wouldve been,if we saw this sight together,hand in hand and hugging each other due to the cold.Wishing each other a happy new year while the fireworks blasted into the night air,as if to celebrate our reunion.I wished you were there,i really did.And in the cold night air,with the crowd silent and only the sound of rumbling car engines,i felt the quiet excitement growing around me and a tad bit of sadness welling up deep inside of me.
Then,it came.5,4,3,2,1...