The Twisted Logic World Tour
Friday, July 14, 2006
The Twisted Logic World Tour
"This next song is about waiting for your favourite band to come to town...the Backstreet Boys!"
--- Chris Martin
I cannot even start to comprehend how brilliant the concert was on Monday night.I mean,being the first concert i've ever really been to,it's hard to top this one off.It has all the things you need for a great concert,which includes the visuals,the music,the great fans(Whoever said Singaporean fans are dead),and of course: Coldplay.
Set Piece:
1.Square One
4.Speed of Sound
5.God Put a Smile Upon Your Face
6.What If?
7.How You See the World
8.The Scientist
9.White Shadows
10.Til Kingdom Come
11.Ring of Fire (Johnny Cash Cover)
1.Swallowed in the Sea
2.In My Place
3.Fix You
It was a humid afternoon,like any other afternoon in Singapore.After having a quick dinner at the steps outside of Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station,which consisted of fries,coke and a McSpicy Burger,Ahmad and I made our way to the Indoor Stadium to catch COLDPLAY,after the kind instruction from Keith,whom i met on the bus there.
Anyway,half the bus emptied along with us as we got off the stop.The stadium loomed before us like gathering clouds,but being the silhoutte of the dusking sky,and the rows of cabs now lining up towards the carparks of the stadium,it was like a light at the end of the road,something that amounts to all the months,and all the days of waiting.Just for that very moment,that very night.
We sped across the road and onto the so-called "Meeting Area" before the South gate.Right there,they were selling merchandises,and already a long queue was forming right in front of it.Before we even got our way up the escalator Ahmad and I queued up for the T-shirts and tour books.I spent sixty dollars there for a tshirt and book,but i guess it was all worth it.In fact,i was so excited when a girl at the back of me asked for a sample of the book and was ignored,i lent her my copy,risking the fact that she might just run away with it(Which she did mention as she flipped through the pages,wide-mouthed).
As we made our way up the escalator my mind went blank.I remember my friends asking if i am in any way excited about the concert.I told most of them that it still sounded rather surreal,and that i still couldnt believe that i was going for a Coldplay concert.It was Coldplay after all,and the fact that i had the tickets in my hands was still rather...dream-like.So upon the escalator,as it sailed smoothly up,i realised that my heart was thumping at an unusually fast pace.I remember telling JiaYing that i am slow at getting excited(Which by the way,sounded and sounds so wrong in every context),but right then i realised what she meant by "Excitement".
I dont remember how the Indoor Stadium was like when i first got there.I was little,and everything was small of course.But as i entered the main hall after the security checks(Which included the restriction of video cameras and water bottles),in front of us was the stage and rows after rows of seats,still waiting to be filled.A bunch of people were already at the free-standing area,sitting down on the floor just enjoying the music playing from the giant speakers above.
We got our way to the seat,and in the midst of our excitement we actually got the wrong seats initially.What was initially really close to the stage,became REALLY DAMN BLOODY CLOSE when we realised our mistake and amended it.Let's just say,that if i tried really hard i could smell Chris Martin's sweat.He was within reach of me at the side of the stage where there was an extended platform,and being at the first row sure helped to be closer to him.Im not exactly one of those see-and-scream fans.In fact,i consider myself to be rather rational when faced with my favourite singers(And i am thankful that i controlled myself rather well when he came within five metres of me).We got our seats and settled down,with less than half of the stadium full,and that was already 730pm.I was starting to wonder if the "Sold Out" sign on the Sistic website was true,but i was distracted by the music and the technicians working around on the stage,doing final adjustments.
The concert was actually delayed for a full hour,chiefly because of the tight security checks at the front as well as the technicians making final adjustments.My initial fear of an empty stadium was gradually erased as the time closed in on 9pm,an hour after the supposed time of the concert to begin.Between those we were blasted with strange hip-hop music,as well as two technicians making gravity defying stunts up the ladders,up to the lights hanging above to control the lights during the concert itself.Basically they were in charge of the spotlights on Jonny Buckland and Guy Berryman.One of them almost got stuck and fell,and the crowd below gasped.Thankfully,he made it up onto the chair eventually and the crowd cheered for his bravery and professionalism.

Technicians working on the lighting.

7.58pm.Two minutes(supposedly)from the concert.

8.43pm.43 minutes after the supposed starting time of the concert.At least the stadium is packed now.
Around 9pm,the lights went out.The crowd went crazy,and cameras started flashing like mad.The darkness almost couldnt keep out the flashing lights all around the stadium,and mingled with those were the constant screaming and yelling for Coldplay.From where i was i saw the band members proceeding to the back of the stage from the side,escorted by guards.I tried to catch them with flash,but ended up taking pictures of strange white dots in front of the camera.Anyway,the concert started,and the giant screen at the back lighted up with the familiar countdown timer seen in all of their Twisted Logic Tour concerts.The silhouette of Chris Martin appeared at the top,and the crowd went crazy,again.

"You're in control/Is there anything you want to know?"

"From the top of the first page/To the end of the last day/From the start in your own way/You just want somebody listening to what you say..."

"It doesnt matter who you are..."
"Yellow" came up,and towards the end of the song giant yellow balloons came flying down from the back of the stadium.The free standing audience went hysterical bouncing the balloons all around,and as they passed them to the front of the stage,Chris Martin blew up the balloons one by one with his guitar,then threw the deflated balloons into the crowd.Why didnt he throw in MY direction,damn it!!!

Bouncing Balloons.

More,bouncing balloons.

"Look at the stars/Look how they shine for you/And everything that you do..."
Speed of Sound was next,and Chris Martin went crazy rolling around the stage,playing with the left over balloons.He did come upclose to the extended platform here,and bounced one of those big ass balloons off the top of my head.He then collapsed to the ground and kept on singing.He was crazy,flying all over the stage and entertaining the audience from every side of the stage.I stopped breathing when he was upclose,not too sure if i should just admire this brilliant man,or take his photographs.I ended up trying to do both,which resulted in these really badly taken photographs.I did try to balance my hand on the railing before me to have better support,but because the bass amplifier was just in front of me,and Will Champion's drumming was really powerful,my camera ended up vibrating all over the place.Which is also why the first half of the the photographs i took were rather poor,in relatively to the ones i took later on.

"Look up,I look up at night/Planets are moving at the speed of light..."

Jonny Buckland,up front.

"Ideas that you'll never find/All the inventors could never design..."

"Japan and China all lit up..."

"Birds came flying from the underground/If you could see it then you'd understand?"
The band then took a little time off,taking photographs of the crowd like they always do.Will Champion came to my side and took a bunch of pictures,and i managed to snap mine while his flash was still on.Guy Berryman came up too,but i havent got his picture sadly.When Chris Martin came Ahmad and I started worshipping him,though i wonder if he saw any of those ridiculous actions at all.The band then came to the center of the stage,and played "Til Kingdom Come","Ring of Fire" and "Trouble",which were INCREDIBLE.Just bloody brilliant.The funny observation that i made was when the rest were playing "Til Kingdom Come",Guy Berryman who was supposed to come in later with harmonica,just sat at the back at the beginning of the song and drank beer.Haha.That was rather humorous,and i guess only a few people actually saw it.

Will Champion and myself,taking photos of each other.

Guy Berryman at the back,drinking beer.

Ring of Fire,a tribute to Johnny Cash.
Back to their positions,Coldplay started pouncing again.The crowd went nuts when they started "Clocks",and everybody was clapping to the beat.The laser shot through the stadium,and mist filled the air around us.We were jumping around in our seats,and the security who were initially very tight on this,gave up totally as nobody gave a shit about them anymore.We were just way over our heads then,and i almost forgot to take photographs for a long time,busy watching the concert and making phone calls(Yeah,phone calls).The end of Clocks was rather different from usual,as Will Champion sped up on the drums,and it went faster and faste and faster while the crowd clapped along.Then,as abruptly as the drumming started it stopped,with four rays of spotlights shooting out from the back of the stage,and was followed by thunderous applause from the crowd.

"You are...You are..."

Talk,in my opinion,was the most visually stunning performance of all.I loved the effects,i loved the sound,i loved every aspect of that performance.Jonny Buckland was great on the riff,and i found myself thinking,"This is FUCKING WORLD CLASS SHIT!"I couldnt stop cursing then,at just how good these mofos were.

"Oh,brother i can't/I can't get through..."

"I'm so scared about the future and i want to talk to you..."

"So you take a picture of something you see/In the future where will i be?"

"You can climb the ladder up to the sun/Or write a song nobody has sung..."

"Are you lost or incomplete?"
In encore,Chris Martin dashed down the stage and ran to the back of the stadium and finished "In My Place".During the song everybody screamed their hearts out at every "YEAH!" during the song.Punching our fists in the air we screamed as loud as we could,as if to compete with one another to see if we can overpower the vocals on the speakers.Of course,that was impossible.And those screaming was further elevated when Chris jumped into the crowd at the back and had a thousand hands grabbing at his shirt.When he dashed back to the stage i actually tried touching him,but this security guy grabbed my wrist instead,and there goes Chris Martin sailing by me.I felt the wind as he ran by,but damn was i pissed with that motherfucker who pulled my hand.I mean,there were loads of people there,why pull mine?!?Son of a bitch...
(A little conversation i had with Ahmad afterwards)
Me,"Fuck,that fucking security guard grabbed my hand when he came here."
Ahmad,"I think Chris Martin kissed one of the girls."
Me,"He did?"
Ahmad,"Yeah,i saw it on the big screen.I think he did."
Me,"I just wanted a touch.She can keep the kiss.I'm not so hot about it."

Chris Martin at the back of the stadium.
They ended the concert with "Fix You",so beautiful i think everybody was sort of stunned at the beauty of it.The bulb didnt light up at the end of the song,and Chris shrugged it off and continued the song.Everybody about that night was great,brilliant.spectacular,awesome,wonderful,whatever beautiful words you can come up with.Every single song,were like poems.And when you piece them all up you find this giant painting of the most beautiful colours.That was a great night,a great great great great night.
Come back again Coldplay,for your next world tour.Come back again,please?
You still owe me my ice-cream.;)

"When you try your best but you dont succeed/When you get what you want but not what you need..."

"High up above or down below/When you're too in love to let it go..."

Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I...

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And i will try
To fix you...
"This next song is about waiting for your favourite band to come to town...the Backstreet Boys!"
--- Chris Martin
I cannot even start to comprehend how brilliant the concert was on Monday night.I mean,being the first concert i've ever really been to,it's hard to top this one off.It has all the things you need for a great concert,which includes the visuals,the music,the great fans(Whoever said Singaporean fans are dead),and of course: Coldplay.
Set Piece:
1.Square One
4.Speed of Sound
5.God Put a Smile Upon Your Face
6.What If?
7.How You See the World
8.The Scientist
9.White Shadows
10.Til Kingdom Come
11.Ring of Fire (Johnny Cash Cover)
1.Swallowed in the Sea
2.In My Place
3.Fix You
It was a humid afternoon,like any other afternoon in Singapore.After having a quick dinner at the steps outside of Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station,which consisted of fries,coke and a McSpicy Burger,Ahmad and I made our way to the Indoor Stadium to catch COLDPLAY,after the kind instruction from Keith,whom i met on the bus there.
Anyway,half the bus emptied along with us as we got off the stop.The stadium loomed before us like gathering clouds,but being the silhoutte of the dusking sky,and the rows of cabs now lining up towards the carparks of the stadium,it was like a light at the end of the road,something that amounts to all the months,and all the days of waiting.Just for that very moment,that very night.
We sped across the road and onto the so-called "Meeting Area" before the South gate.Right there,they were selling merchandises,and already a long queue was forming right in front of it.Before we even got our way up the escalator Ahmad and I queued up for the T-shirts and tour books.I spent sixty dollars there for a tshirt and book,but i guess it was all worth it.In fact,i was so excited when a girl at the back of me asked for a sample of the book and was ignored,i lent her my copy,risking the fact that she might just run away with it(Which she did mention as she flipped through the pages,wide-mouthed).
As we made our way up the escalator my mind went blank.I remember my friends asking if i am in any way excited about the concert.I told most of them that it still sounded rather surreal,and that i still couldnt believe that i was going for a Coldplay concert.It was Coldplay after all,and the fact that i had the tickets in my hands was still rather...dream-like.So upon the escalator,as it sailed smoothly up,i realised that my heart was thumping at an unusually fast pace.I remember telling JiaYing that i am slow at getting excited(Which by the way,sounded and sounds so wrong in every context),but right then i realised what she meant by "Excitement".
I dont remember how the Indoor Stadium was like when i first got there.I was little,and everything was small of course.But as i entered the main hall after the security checks(Which included the restriction of video cameras and water bottles),in front of us was the stage and rows after rows of seats,still waiting to be filled.A bunch of people were already at the free-standing area,sitting down on the floor just enjoying the music playing from the giant speakers above.
We got our way to the seat,and in the midst of our excitement we actually got the wrong seats initially.What was initially really close to the stage,became REALLY DAMN BLOODY CLOSE when we realised our mistake and amended it.Let's just say,that if i tried really hard i could smell Chris Martin's sweat.He was within reach of me at the side of the stage where there was an extended platform,and being at the first row sure helped to be closer to him.Im not exactly one of those see-and-scream fans.In fact,i consider myself to be rather rational when faced with my favourite singers(And i am thankful that i controlled myself rather well when he came within five metres of me).We got our seats and settled down,with less than half of the stadium full,and that was already 730pm.I was starting to wonder if the "Sold Out" sign on the Sistic website was true,but i was distracted by the music and the technicians working around on the stage,doing final adjustments.
The concert was actually delayed for a full hour,chiefly because of the tight security checks at the front as well as the technicians making final adjustments.My initial fear of an empty stadium was gradually erased as the time closed in on 9pm,an hour after the supposed time of the concert to begin.Between those we were blasted with strange hip-hop music,as well as two technicians making gravity defying stunts up the ladders,up to the lights hanging above to control the lights during the concert itself.Basically they were in charge of the spotlights on Jonny Buckland and Guy Berryman.One of them almost got stuck and fell,and the crowd below gasped.Thankfully,he made it up onto the chair eventually and the crowd cheered for his bravery and professionalism.

Technicians working on the lighting.

7.58pm.Two minutes(supposedly)from the concert.

8.43pm.43 minutes after the supposed starting time of the concert.At least the stadium is packed now.
Around 9pm,the lights went out.The crowd went crazy,and cameras started flashing like mad.The darkness almost couldnt keep out the flashing lights all around the stadium,and mingled with those were the constant screaming and yelling for Coldplay.From where i was i saw the band members proceeding to the back of the stage from the side,escorted by guards.I tried to catch them with flash,but ended up taking pictures of strange white dots in front of the camera.Anyway,the concert started,and the giant screen at the back lighted up with the familiar countdown timer seen in all of their Twisted Logic Tour concerts.The silhouette of Chris Martin appeared at the top,and the crowd went crazy,again.

"You're in control/Is there anything you want to know?"

"From the top of the first page/To the end of the last day/From the start in your own way/You just want somebody listening to what you say..."

"It doesnt matter who you are..."
"Yellow" came up,and towards the end of the song giant yellow balloons came flying down from the back of the stadium.The free standing audience went hysterical bouncing the balloons all around,and as they passed them to the front of the stage,Chris Martin blew up the balloons one by one with his guitar,then threw the deflated balloons into the crowd.Why didnt he throw in MY direction,damn it!!!

Bouncing Balloons.

More,bouncing balloons.

"Look at the stars/Look how they shine for you/And everything that you do..."
Speed of Sound was next,and Chris Martin went crazy rolling around the stage,playing with the left over balloons.He did come upclose to the extended platform here,and bounced one of those big ass balloons off the top of my head.He then collapsed to the ground and kept on singing.He was crazy,flying all over the stage and entertaining the audience from every side of the stage.I stopped breathing when he was upclose,not too sure if i should just admire this brilliant man,or take his photographs.I ended up trying to do both,which resulted in these really badly taken photographs.I did try to balance my hand on the railing before me to have better support,but because the bass amplifier was just in front of me,and Will Champion's drumming was really powerful,my camera ended up vibrating all over the place.Which is also why the first half of the the photographs i took were rather poor,in relatively to the ones i took later on.

"Look up,I look up at night/Planets are moving at the speed of light..."

Jonny Buckland,up front.

"Ideas that you'll never find/All the inventors could never design..."

"Japan and China all lit up..."

"Birds came flying from the underground/If you could see it then you'd understand?"
The band then took a little time off,taking photographs of the crowd like they always do.Will Champion came to my side and took a bunch of pictures,and i managed to snap mine while his flash was still on.Guy Berryman came up too,but i havent got his picture sadly.When Chris Martin came Ahmad and I started worshipping him,though i wonder if he saw any of those ridiculous actions at all.The band then came to the center of the stage,and played "Til Kingdom Come","Ring of Fire" and "Trouble",which were INCREDIBLE.Just bloody brilliant.The funny observation that i made was when the rest were playing "Til Kingdom Come",Guy Berryman who was supposed to come in later with harmonica,just sat at the back at the beginning of the song and drank beer.Haha.That was rather humorous,and i guess only a few people actually saw it.

Will Champion and myself,taking photos of each other.

Guy Berryman at the back,drinking beer.

Ring of Fire,a tribute to Johnny Cash.
Back to their positions,Coldplay started pouncing again.The crowd went nuts when they started "Clocks",and everybody was clapping to the beat.The laser shot through the stadium,and mist filled the air around us.We were jumping around in our seats,and the security who were initially very tight on this,gave up totally as nobody gave a shit about them anymore.We were just way over our heads then,and i almost forgot to take photographs for a long time,busy watching the concert and making phone calls(Yeah,phone calls).The end of Clocks was rather different from usual,as Will Champion sped up on the drums,and it went faster and faste and faster while the crowd clapped along.Then,as abruptly as the drumming started it stopped,with four rays of spotlights shooting out from the back of the stage,and was followed by thunderous applause from the crowd.

"You are...You are..."

Talk,in my opinion,was the most visually stunning performance of all.I loved the effects,i loved the sound,i loved every aspect of that performance.Jonny Buckland was great on the riff,and i found myself thinking,"This is FUCKING WORLD CLASS SHIT!"I couldnt stop cursing then,at just how good these mofos were.

"Oh,brother i can't/I can't get through..."

"I'm so scared about the future and i want to talk to you..."

"So you take a picture of something you see/In the future where will i be?"

"You can climb the ladder up to the sun/Or write a song nobody has sung..."

"Are you lost or incomplete?"
In encore,Chris Martin dashed down the stage and ran to the back of the stadium and finished "In My Place".During the song everybody screamed their hearts out at every "YEAH!" during the song.Punching our fists in the air we screamed as loud as we could,as if to compete with one another to see if we can overpower the vocals on the speakers.Of course,that was impossible.And those screaming was further elevated when Chris jumped into the crowd at the back and had a thousand hands grabbing at his shirt.When he dashed back to the stage i actually tried touching him,but this security guy grabbed my wrist instead,and there goes Chris Martin sailing by me.I felt the wind as he ran by,but damn was i pissed with that motherfucker who pulled my hand.I mean,there were loads of people there,why pull mine?!?Son of a bitch...
(A little conversation i had with Ahmad afterwards)
Me,"Fuck,that fucking security guard grabbed my hand when he came here."
Ahmad,"I think Chris Martin kissed one of the girls."
Me,"He did?"
Ahmad,"Yeah,i saw it on the big screen.I think he did."
Me,"I just wanted a touch.She can keep the kiss.I'm not so hot about it."

Chris Martin at the back of the stadium.
They ended the concert with "Fix You",so beautiful i think everybody was sort of stunned at the beauty of it.The bulb didnt light up at the end of the song,and Chris shrugged it off and continued the song.Everybody about that night was great,brilliant.spectacular,awesome,wonderful,whatever beautiful words you can come up with.Every single song,were like poems.And when you piece them all up you find this giant painting of the most beautiful colours.That was a great night,a great great great great night.
Come back again Coldplay,for your next world tour.Come back again,please?
You still owe me my ice-cream.;)

"When you try your best but you dont succeed/When you get what you want but not what you need..."

"High up above or down below/When you're too in love to let it go..."

Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I...

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And i will try
To fix you...