Back from the Suck
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Back from the Suck
12 hours of bus,nearly 6 hours of plane ride,across the plains of India leaving behind herd after herd of cows,here i am back in the comfort of my home making some adjustments to the photographs i took on my India trip.Truly stunning stuff i must say.I am shagged,and i am worn down to my knees.But seriously,this India trip has left a profound effect on me,somehow.
I am now an obsessive photographer,thanks to my sister's Canon Ixus camera,and the beauty of the untamed India.For some reason,after the stay in India everything in Singapore then becomes so...normal.So blant,and ugly in a way.Two weeks out in the deserts changed me,in a way.I am now immuned to the blazing sun,i am three tones darker and most of all i am addicted to camera lenses and catching moments in my life with the camera.So there we were,upon the field training and i will be scrambling around taking pictures of...well,everything.Really.But battery life was an issue,so i was really confined amount of time i used the camera.Nonetheless,i still managed to take some of the memorable moments on my trip to India,and will show you guys in the entries to come.
I figured,in order to give a complete account of my trip to India would be preposterous.Because really,you might as well ask me to type out the Koran here in my blog in one single entry.Thus,ive decided to give my account in parts of easy reading,and also it's easier to post different photographs here on my blog that way.
The flight has left me with a heavy eyelid as well as a ring in my ears.Air Sahara is truly an airline to stay away from,and as the name suggests it is hot as hell.More details on that later,but first i'd like to thank the pilots who descended way too quickly,causing me to have this splitting headache all the way from 30000 feet to touch down.Seriously,i swear if the air stewardess asked me to buckle up and sit up one more time during the landing i wouldve strangled her,then bang my head against the side of the plane.Really,i was going out of my mind,and my mind going out of me literally.
I need some sleep,and some rest.Some REAL food for once(Indian food is nice,but same food every meal is just...well,too much),and some music i forgot to upload into my iPod.Before that though,a little preview on the photographs to come.

Before Sunrise

Silhouette Potato

The Lonely Tree

Distant Beauty
12 hours of bus,nearly 6 hours of plane ride,across the plains of India leaving behind herd after herd of cows,here i am back in the comfort of my home making some adjustments to the photographs i took on my India trip.Truly stunning stuff i must say.I am shagged,and i am worn down to my knees.But seriously,this India trip has left a profound effect on me,somehow.
I am now an obsessive photographer,thanks to my sister's Canon Ixus camera,and the beauty of the untamed India.For some reason,after the stay in India everything in Singapore then becomes so...normal.So blant,and ugly in a way.Two weeks out in the deserts changed me,in a way.I am now immuned to the blazing sun,i am three tones darker and most of all i am addicted to camera lenses and catching moments in my life with the camera.So there we were,upon the field training and i will be scrambling around taking pictures of...well,everything.Really.But battery life was an issue,so i was really confined amount of time i used the camera.Nonetheless,i still managed to take some of the memorable moments on my trip to India,and will show you guys in the entries to come.
I figured,in order to give a complete account of my trip to India would be preposterous.Because really,you might as well ask me to type out the Koran here in my blog in one single entry.Thus,ive decided to give my account in parts of easy reading,and also it's easier to post different photographs here on my blog that way.
The flight has left me with a heavy eyelid as well as a ring in my ears.Air Sahara is truly an airline to stay away from,and as the name suggests it is hot as hell.More details on that later,but first i'd like to thank the pilots who descended way too quickly,causing me to have this splitting headache all the way from 30000 feet to touch down.Seriously,i swear if the air stewardess asked me to buckle up and sit up one more time during the landing i wouldve strangled her,then bang my head against the side of the plane.Really,i was going out of my mind,and my mind going out of me literally.
I need some sleep,and some rest.Some REAL food for once(Indian food is nice,but same food every meal is just...well,too much),and some music i forgot to upload into my iPod.Before that though,a little preview on the photographs to come.

Before Sunrise

Silhouette Potato

The Lonely Tree

Distant Beauty