Ode to the Broken Gymnast
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Ode to the Broken Gymnast
I am breaking my neck
Over the somersault
I was hoping to flip things back
Without the need to break the fall
Isnt it strange how such phrases just pops out of your brain from nowhere?Dont ask me how the idea of doing a somersault to overcome the pain of memories,but i guess in a way it is worth a try,no?
Maybe if you just flip hard enough,if you try hard enough,your brain will go haywire and for some reason,flip the memories that you had out of the box and bury them somewhere under the other memories,the happier ones,the ones that never involved them.
Nights like that,i guess.It's inevitable,in a way.I am doing the best i can,the best i can.Am i doing well,am i doing well enough?
I am breaking my neck
Over the somersault
I was hoping to flip things back
Without the need to break the fall
Isnt it strange how such phrases just pops out of your brain from nowhere?Dont ask me how the idea of doing a somersault to overcome the pain of memories,but i guess in a way it is worth a try,no?
Maybe if you just flip hard enough,if you try hard enough,your brain will go haywire and for some reason,flip the memories that you had out of the box and bury them somewhere under the other memories,the happier ones,the ones that never involved them.
Nights like that,i guess.It's inevitable,in a way.I am doing the best i can,the best i can.Am i doing well,am i doing well enough?