The One about Nicknames
Monday, May 08, 2006
The One about Nicknames
I remember back in the days when internet was as sophisticated as anything out of NASA.So the mentioning of the fact that you actually had internet at home,pushed the status of you and your home,the wealth of it especially,up the world's top one million list of millionaires,even if it isnt really true(Did you know that my pathetic $500+ earnings per month puts me roughing at the top 14% in the world?).
Then came the era of a thing called MIRC,and the need for a nickname first dawned on me then.Initially,nicknames were given to you by mean classmates to make fun of your face,your body parts,your relationship with a member of the opposite sex,or simply because you really do look like whatever the nickname that was give to you(For example,Tecko.Hokkien for Bamboo).
Nicknames wasnt something that interested me back then.I mean,it was just a name,a temporary one.The need of self-expression through these nicknames never really crossed my mind.Besides,the pathetic word limit for MIRC nicknames turned me off,and killed any room of creativity with words anyway.I remember the time when i went to #teens and changed my nickname to "BigBreastGirl" or something along the line of having great assets on the chest.Within a minute about ten people messaged me asking for an introduction of myself.It was merely an experiment,but it was fun nonetheless,to know the power of nicknames,even if it doesnt directly represent you.
MSN opened up a whole new horizon for me.The idea of having a long ass nickname was a little surprising to me,really.So came the era of having long ass nicknames as well,and i found by having those i was able to express myself a whole lot better than before.Which is really,the beauty of MSN.
So,here's an entry especially dedicated to interesting nicknames,and of course the extremely bad ones on my MSN contact list.I hope you enjoy my selections,and get a good laugh out of them,or simply smile at the meanings behind these nicknames.
The Better ones of the Lot
What the hell...Flies are Fun when you have Time
...I choose,by choice,of chosing the chosen choices choosingly
The Only Way to Find the Limits of the Possible is by going Beyond them to the Impossible
I'm only Holidaying on Earth.Destination: Heaven
Good Girls are Bad Girls who dont get Caught
There's something about Kelly --- I may not be perfect,but parts of me are pretty awesome
What is another word for Thesauraus?
The Worst of the Lot
Wah Lau...MPs came to my camp again
Finally got my ass down to Ubi...I know it's really late
Shag week...slack week
See Hwee
PAP: 66.6%
Zhuang Yi
Life is so dull...
Jian Xian
Waiting to Ord...
And the KING of Nickname Boredom...
I remember back in the days when internet was as sophisticated as anything out of NASA.So the mentioning of the fact that you actually had internet at home,pushed the status of you and your home,the wealth of it especially,up the world's top one million list of millionaires,even if it isnt really true(Did you know that my pathetic $500+ earnings per month puts me roughing at the top 14% in the world?).
Then came the era of a thing called MIRC,and the need for a nickname first dawned on me then.Initially,nicknames were given to you by mean classmates to make fun of your face,your body parts,your relationship with a member of the opposite sex,or simply because you really do look like whatever the nickname that was give to you(For example,Tecko.Hokkien for Bamboo).
Nicknames wasnt something that interested me back then.I mean,it was just a name,a temporary one.The need of self-expression through these nicknames never really crossed my mind.Besides,the pathetic word limit for MIRC nicknames turned me off,and killed any room of creativity with words anyway.I remember the time when i went to #teens and changed my nickname to "BigBreastGirl" or something along the line of having great assets on the chest.Within a minute about ten people messaged me asking for an introduction of myself.It was merely an experiment,but it was fun nonetheless,to know the power of nicknames,even if it doesnt directly represent you.
MSN opened up a whole new horizon for me.The idea of having a long ass nickname was a little surprising to me,really.So came the era of having long ass nicknames as well,and i found by having those i was able to express myself a whole lot better than before.Which is really,the beauty of MSN.
So,here's an entry especially dedicated to interesting nicknames,and of course the extremely bad ones on my MSN contact list.I hope you enjoy my selections,and get a good laugh out of them,or simply smile at the meanings behind these nicknames.
The Better ones of the Lot
What the hell...Flies are Fun when you have Time
...I choose,by choice,of chosing the chosen choices choosingly
The Only Way to Find the Limits of the Possible is by going Beyond them to the Impossible
I'm only Holidaying on Earth.Destination: Heaven
Good Girls are Bad Girls who dont get Caught
There's something about Kelly --- I may not be perfect,but parts of me are pretty awesome
What is another word for Thesauraus?
The Worst of the Lot
Wah Lau...MPs came to my camp again
Finally got my ass down to Ubi...I know it's really late
Shag week...slack week
See Hwee
PAP: 66.6%
Zhuang Yi
Life is so dull...
Jian Xian
Waiting to Ord...
And the KING of Nickname Boredom...